Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Why am I essential to the cell?

Hello, miss! I forgot to post my speech yesterday, so I’m posting it today.
Now this looks like a job for me
So everybody just let me live
‘Cause we need a little of proteins
And it feels so empty without me!
Ok… this was the rap part. Just the introduction, you know. So, as you’ve heard before, I make proteins. Guess who I am. The RIBOSOME!!!!!!!!!!! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!! Hahaha. That was not funny. Ok. Fine. Alright. Now returning to the point which I forgot and remembered again, I make the essential part of the cell. Like Miss Silva said: if the cell is a factory, the ribosome is the machine that makes the product. Logically, if we don’t have the machine that makes the product, we won’t have the products. And if we don’t have the products, we have nothing to sell. And if we have nothing to sell, we won’t have money. And if we don’t have money, we don’t have supplies to run the whole factory. So the factory will have to be shut down! This was the logic part. Now the REAL part: almost all the organelles in the cells are made of proteins. The mitochondria is one of the examples. But I will not talk about this, because this is not my part. So returning, the DNA, the “brain” of the cell is made of proteins. I am needed to not just keep the cell going on, but to reproduce! If we don’t have organelles and DNA enough to the cell be split up, we won’t have the replication, which interferes on the growth and on the renovation of the cells on a living individual. Like a human!!! I make the vital and essential part and nutrient of a cell, so I can’t be abandoned. 

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