Friday, 26 August 2011

What kind of cell I would like to be and why

Helloooo Miss!! I’ve been floating (boiando) for all the week and I’m doing it only now… (but miss… I had A LOT of work to do on this week) so… I would like to be a prokaryotic cell, because simplicity is not so bad. Ok… well… you may be thinking that there are no connections between them, but actually, there are a lot of connections.
           Prokaryotic cells are the ancestors of the eukaryotic ones. They were present in the Earth for millions and millions of years. But the prokaryotic ones started dividing into different species and formed the eukaryotics. The old ancestors have a really simple structure and usually, are smaller than the descendants and don’t group up to form a single organism (yes, they are foreveralones). Their anatomic structure has a lack of nucleus, mitochondria and any other organ that has a membrane. So their organs are cytoplasm, ribosome, plasmids and a few more that stay on the outside of the cell.
           Now, why did I choose it? I like simplicity. I sometimes dream of leaving the city and going to the forest to have a simple and primitive life. No computers, no games, no THE SIMS, no television, no internet, no soap operas, no information. No outside world. Just me and the nature. If I don’t have this outside world, I don’t have any other problem to think but mine. I won’t have to think about global warming, poverty, diplomacy, politics, violence, society, knowledge. I won’t have to consult huge history books to know why Hitler killed Jews. I don’t need. The only thing that I have to know is how to survive with the nature on my side. And that’s why I choose this beautiful primitive prokaryotic cell. It was the mother, the root of all the living things. It survived cruel days and nights, but still survived and gave birth to the best invention of the nature: the woman (I'm feminist). They were simple, but continued evolving. To survive. To live. And they’ve done their job really well.
           I think that this type of cell is a representation of my personality. That’s the best word to describe why I choose the root of humanity.


  1. Hi Deborah! It is moi, Barbs! Just finished reading your huge post :D
    I think that in this post, you have clearly explained the reason why you want to be a prokaryotic cell (what the...), which makes it easier for me to understand (duh!). However though what I most liked about this post were the creativity and the humor you utilized. Hahaha very funny cute! :3 But you know what? I think that your posts can look even better with pictures in them! It would add some color and give the reader and better picture of what you are talking aout, you see? Also, specifically, in this post, try giving more information about the prokaryotic cell, explaining why is it simple. You rock!

  2. thank you barb!! j'aime toi!!! brincs ;( ahuuahaah mais entããããão.... thank you for commenting on my post *U* and thank you for liking my post!! but i agree with you that i needed more images and stuff!!!!not luv you barb!!!
